Review: Scream 4

aagh. It’s been a while since scream 3! I was so excited to watch scream 4 that I bought my ticket for the premier! Anyways let’s start reviewing, I actually laughed more than got scared. It was pretty good. It had so many similarities to the previous ones. I don’t really wanna go on , I might spoil it for you. However, If I were you I’d go watch it. So Tell me, what’s your favorite scary movie? 😉

About Abdullah

A simple guy from your neighborhood
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6 Responses to Review: Scream 4

  1. brownsuger says:

    I like Scream 1 & 2, 3 wasn’t that good i hope this one is good
    I don’t have a favorite scary movie but i like Jeeper Kreepers

  2. ims85 says:

    Can’t wait to see it at kuw cinema 😀

  3. abrar says:

    i watched it yesterday .. 9rakht w tha7akt w mathal shay masaweta .. bas was so much fun ;p atwa8a3 wayed biga63oon bilq8 le2enna wayed fee swearing ;p

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